Fix for “The requested URL /FSMIdentity/faces/pages/Self.jspx was not found” while creating Implementation Users in Fusion Applications

Thanks to Anil Passi and Vladimir Ajvaz for pointing out this bug.

After provisioning Fusion Applications, when you try to create implementation users, you may face following error.

The requested URL /FSMIdentity/faces/pages/Self.jspx was not found.

This is due to missing aliases/rewrite rules in IDM web node configuration.

This is due to a known bug and documented in Oracle Support article id: 1504084.1
The issue can be reproduced as follows.

1. Navigate to Set up and maintenance.
3. Search for the task Create Implementation User.
4. Click Go to Task.
5. A new tab opens in my browser. That tab has the URL that is not found.


Starting in RUP3 Functional Setup Manager normalized the context root name (FSMIdentity) to access OIM servers for self and password management. RUP3 and beyond Fusion Application installations must have new rewrite rules in their Identity (OIM/OAM) environment for some of the Fusion Application functionality to work. This has to be included when upgrading or in a new installation.


Follow the instructions:

The Virtual Host configuration file in the OHS install node has to be modified to add the following rewrite rules.
This file (idm.conf) is typically available at //ohsauth/ohsauth11g_inst/config/OHS/ohs1/moduleconf/idm.conf

Note:If you have followed my post then you might see /app/fusion/config/instances/web1/config/OHS/web1/moduleconf/admin.conf instead of idm.conf since I have added all entries in one file.

Add these rules in all the Virtual Host entries in the file. Re-start the web server (IDM Domain) so that the rewrite rule changes in the idm.conf (or admin.conf) file will become effective.

RewriteRule ^/FSMIdentity/faces/pages/Self.jspx “/oim” [R] 
RewriteRule ^/FSMIdentity/faces/pages/pwdmgmt.jspx “/admin/faces/pages/pwdmgmt.jspx” [R] 
UseCanonicalName On

Once you restart web server on IDM node, this issue should be resolved.

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