Installing 11g RAC on Linux VM: Add additional virtual Ethernet card and perform prerequisites in Linux

Now since we have installed basic Linux VM as per our previous guide, we need to add additional Ethernet card for Oracle clusterware private interconnect IP.

Make sure that the OS is shutdown cleanly and VM shows Powered off status.

In VMWare, select the VM, right click and select Settings. Same option is available in Oracle VirtualBox as well.

 You will see above screen. Make sure that the memory is set to 2.5 GB (2560 MB). Click on “Add” to add new hardware

 Select “Network Adapter” from the list and click Next

Select “Host-only” network and click Finish

The settings page should now look as above. Click Ok to close the window.

Startup the Linux operating system in VM and login with root account.

Click on System-> Administration-> Network to open network configuration screen

 You will see one interface eth0 here. Now we will add another interface in Linux for the new virtual network card. Click on New

Specify another IP address in different range. Our previous eth0 IP is so we have selected different subnet for eth1

Do not specify any default gateway address here since these servers are generally connected to each other physically so in VM as well we will do the same.

Click Apply

You will see that still new interface shows as Inactive. Select the interface and click “Activate

Now both will show up as “Active”. Make sure to save configuration by clicking on “File-> Save”.

Once you have saved the configuration, you can restart network service to see if the new configuration is still active.

[root@dbhost1 ~] service network restart

Comment out entries from /etc/resolv.conf to disable DNS search if you are not using DNS to resolve host names. This will greatly improve performance of VM in general especially NFS

If you are just modifying existing Linux VM and changing host name only then make sure that the new hostname is already present in following file. For fresh installation this will be already present.

[root@dbhost1 ~]# more /etc/sysconfig/network



Change hostname as follows (if changing hostname of existing prepared Linux VM, otherwise not required)

[root@dbhost1~]# hostname

Create following entries in /etc/hosts file

[root@ dbhost1~]# more /etc/hosts

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs

# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost

#::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 dbhost1 dbhost2 dbhost1-vip dbhost2-vip dbhost1-priv dbhost2-priv dbhost-scan nfshost

Let me explain why we have made these entries.

dbhost1 and dbhost2 are primary IP addresses for both Virtual nodes. Though we are yet to create node2, let us create these entries so that when we clone/copy this VM, we will already have these entries present in second node.

dbhost1-vip and dbhost2-vip are going to be used as VIP for 11gR2 RAC. These IPs will be assigned to interface aliases on respective host where vip1 and vip2 will be active. This will be handled transparently by Oracle RAC

dbhost1-priv and dbhost2-priv are private interfaces for node1 and node2. These will work as interconnect IP addresses for these nodes. In physical servers, these interfaces are connected through a cross-cable or stand-alone switch (recommended). While in VM, this will be taken care of automatically.

Make sure that you are able to ping primary IP of node1.

[root@ dbhost1~]# ping dbhost1 -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms

— ping statistics —

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.024/0.024/0.024/0.000 ms

If you are not using time synchronization using NTP then make sure that the service is stopped.

[root@ dbhost1~]# service ntpd status

ntpd is stopped

Run following on both nodes to rename ntp.conf file

[root@ dbhost1~]# mv /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.orig

[root@ dbhost2~]# mv /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.orig

Let us now create required users.

First create owner user for Oracle clusterware/grid. Since we already have user named oracle (as part of our linux installation steps), we will make sure that the groups are set correctly.

[root@ dbhost1~]# usermod -g dba -G oinstall oracle

[root@ dbhost1~]# passwd oracle

Changing password for user oracle.

New UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Now let us create user for database owner. Let’s name it oradb

[root@dbhost1 ~]# useradd -g dba -G oinstall oradb

[root@dbhost1 ~]# passwd oradb

Changing password for user oradb.

New UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Since the prerequisites are already installed as part of our Linux installation we will skip that for now. The clusterware installation might ask for some more pre-requisites but it will provide a fix script to automatically change the values so we can go ahead here.

Let us create the required directories so that when we clone this VM, the second node also will already have these ready.

[root@ dbhost1~]# mkdir -p /app/oracle

[root@ dbhost1~]# mkdir -p /app/11.2.0/grid

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chown oracle:dba /app

[root@ dbhost1~]# chmod -R g+w /app/

Now let us create the mount points. Here we will mount the shared file system on both nodes. For now just create these files. The shared file system will be created in later step.

[root@dbhost1 ~]# mkdir /u01

[root@dbhost1 ~]# mkdir /u02

[root@dbhost1 ~]# mkdir /u03

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chown oracle:dba /u01

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chown oracle:dba /u02

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chown oracle:dba /u03

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chmod g+w /u01

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chmod g+w /u02

[root@dbhost1 ~]# chmod g+w /u03

This concludes the prerequisite steps to prepare basic Linux VM for RAC. In next steps we will clone this VM and then create node 2 for RAC.

Next: Copy/clone this virtual machine to create second node and modify host details

Installing 11g Release 2 Real Application Clusters (11gR2 RAC) on Linux x86-64 Virtual Machine (VM) – Steps

1. Create Virtual Machine and install 64 bit Linux (generic step from previous post, not specific to this guide)

2. Add additional virtual Ethernet card and perform prerequisites in Linux

3. Copy/clone this virtual machine to create second node and modify host details

4. Setup shared file system and other pre-requisites

5. Install Oracle Clusterware

6. Install Oracle Database software and create RAC database

Mar 10th, 2013 | Posted by Tushar Thakker | In Uncategorized
  1. Ajay
    Jun 2nd, 2016 at 08:46 | #1

    where this ip dbhost-scan
    is defined.

  2. mike
    Oct 31st, 2014 at 20:03 | #2

    I’m using vmware player, not in the network – will i be able to install?

  3. mike
    Oct 30th, 2014 at 22:47 | #3

    Does the machine hosting vm need to be in the network?
    If it’s not in the network I can ping the vm -dbhost1 but the ip=……….

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